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Celebrating Working Parents, Dads, and Caregivers This Father’s Day

It’s almost Father’s Day and what better way to celebrate dads, parents, and caregivers besides spotlighting WorkRamp’s co-founding fathers, Ted Blosser and Arsh Mand.

Ted and Arsh are co-founders of WorkRamp, but in addition to being a CEO and CTO, these two have another title they’re extremely proud of, they’re both dads!

We asked Ted and Arsh about their experience being co-founders, leading a company, and raising young children. 

“Father’s Day is a great reminder of why we all work so hard–to provide a great future for our kids,” Ted says as a father of three. “Building a great product and company is extremely important, but nothing is more motivating than making sure you set a great example for your children and give them every opportunity you can to succeed.”

Arsh recently became a member of the working parents club, and he and his wife welcomed their first child in May.

“Being a first-time dad, it has really crystallized for me how important it is to be in sync with my partner,” he shares. “Raising another human is extremely challenging with many decisions to be made along the way. This translates to leading and running teams at a startup. The team needs to be in sync and on the same page in order to accomplish ambitious goals.”

As any working parent can attest, managing work and home life is an ongoing balancing act. The remote-first culture at WorkRamp has allowed parents to enjoy additional time with family.

In a recent LinkedIn post, Ted shared a breakdown of how he has been able to divide his time since WorkRamp moved to a fully remote workforce. Without the need to commute to an office, he has been able to spend 3x as much time with his family. But even with the extra time, being a working parent still requires some strategic planning.

“Having kids puts an additional emphasis on time management,” Ted says. “It requires extra focus and attention to the task in front of you so that you can spend every extra minute with your family.”

Ted and Arsh are just two of the many working parents at WorkRamp. And while we believe in a continuous learning environment in the workplace, we know that learning is even more important at home where we have young, impressionable minds following your every move.

This Father’s Day, we tip our hats to working parents and caregivers everywhere. We appreciate the way you make the world a better place one child and employee at a time. Happy Father’s Day, enjoy your time with your loved ones! 


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