Save time and ramp up teams faster with the LMS powered by AI.

Microsoft 365 LMS Integration

Integrate Microsoft content and SSO with your LMS

The Microsoft 365 integration allows you to easily embed pre-existing content from Onedrive and Sharepoint directly into WorkRamp. You’ll also be able to set up SSO with Azure to help your learners log into WorkRamp, faster. 

Integration benefits: 

  • Give admins more flexibility in content creation and allow them to save time by importing pre-built content from Onedrive and Sharepoint directly into WorkRamp.  
  • Give learners a faster way to sign-in to WorkRamp through the Azure SSO integration for quick access into their LMS. 

Use cases: 

  • Training: Admins may already have a lot of pre-built content in their Onedrive or Sharepoint instances. They’ll be able to easily import this content into WorkRamp guides to supplement their courses. 
  • Login: Learners will be able to use the Azure SSO integration to quickly sign in to WorkRamp.

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